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Bridging diverse 
communities through

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Nonprofit Organization

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Art and Memory for a More Inclusive World

Who We Are

Acoustic Memories is a nonprofit organization based in New York City. We believe art is a powerful way for immigrants to claim 

their space and connect with their new communities. Through a commitment to creative expressions that foster dialogue — in a relationship among equals—  between the acoustic memories of immigrants and contemporary sounds, we promote the appreciation of the diversity and cultural richness of migrant communities, along with a dignified inclusion.


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What We Do

Touch lives through art, focusing on two main groups: artists and audiences

For Artists:

We serve as a platform for experimentation and expression, fostering projects that create a dialogue between contemporary forms of music and the cultural memories of immigrants.


In our case, based in New York, we focus on jazz and classical music in conversation with traditional music from the homelands of different immigrant groups.


We also welcome Maestros of different genres of traditional music, creating spaces for musical appreciation through oral transmission and offering concert-workshops in partnership with academic institutions in venues close to the habitat of migrant communities.


For Audiences:

Our programs aim to help the public develop an appreciation for diverse artistic expressions through an understanding of the historical impact of migrations in creating musical forms that belong to humanity and extend far beyond national boundaries. At the same time, we seek to curate in ways that reflect our individual contributions while also fostering an appreciation for the contributions of others.

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Our Activities

What We Promote

We promote activities that foster education for civic life and artistic expression, including photography, painting, literature, music, dance and film. Through these events we foster the appreciation of diverse contributions and encourage intercultural dialogue, as well as a deeper understanding of our complexity and discussion of the root causes of immigration.

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Cinemondays creates a space for dialogue and reflection through film, connecting the Terraza 7 community with relevant social issues and fostering greater understanding and empathy.

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A series that explores the roots of local music in the Americas and its connections with African and Arab influences, fostering intercultural dialogue and recognition of our shared roots.

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Series that combines musical improvisation with visual imagery focused on migration and social justice, promoting inclusion and social activism.

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A series that pays tribute to musicians who express their acoustic and cultural heritage through large ensemble performances.



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Provides a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ+ musicians, amplifying their voices and strengthening the values of equality and community at Terraza 7.

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Unites musicians and dancers from immigrant communities in real-time improvisation, fostering intercultural dialogue and celebrating shared cultural traditions through creative collaboration.


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Nonprofit Organization

© 2024 Acoustic Memories. All rights reserved.

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